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Client Testimonials

Here's What Clients are Saying about my Research Assistance


For assistance researching the journals of Siberia explorer George Kennan in the Library of Congress Manuscript Division

"There are researchers and then there is Peggy Ann Brown. She is exceptionally thorough and well-organized, and knows the Library of Congress inside out, provides very helpful thematic feedback, and is skilled with online databases. As one example, she unearthed key facts about an important but historically obscure character in my book that were crucial to its narrative. I simply cannot say enough good things about her."  Gregory Wallance, author of the forthcoming Into Siberia: George Kennan's Epic Journey through the Brutal, Frozen Heart of Russia. 


For assistance researching CIA operatives at National Archives

"For her enormous assistance and uncanny ability to ferret out documents from obscure corners of federal agencies, I thank the extraordinarily skilled and resourceful researcher Peggy Ann Brown." Scott Anderson, Acknowledgments, The Quiet Americans: Four CIA Spies at the Dawn of the Cold War--a Tragedy in Three Acts


For assistance researching background information on subject and his family and locating photographs

"Dr. Brown searched in the National Archives and in libraries and often obscure sources throughout the nation, with a solid grasp of racial and ethnic documentation she'd once demonstrated in a civil rights case we'd worked on together in northern Virginia. [She] used her own relentless persistence and probing skill to uncover documents we had been seeking, oftentimes locating them with yet more unexpected, relevant, and revealing additions that warranted further probing to get the necessary understanding of the earlier ones.."  

Neil Thomas Proto, Acknowledgments, Fearless: A. Bartlett Giamatti and the Battle for Fairness in America


For assistance locating images illustrating the 1940s to 1970s American kitchen and obtaining permissions to use these

"Peggy Ann Brown tracked down obscure and much-needed archival information with her usual determination and lightning speed."

Sarah Archer, Acknowledgments, The Midcentury Kitchen. America's Favorite Room: From  Workspace to Dreamscape, 1940s -1970s


For research on the Washington Redskins in various local collections and publications

"Thanks to everyone whose precision and creativity taught me how much more I had to learn about research, particularly Peggy Ann Brown for her astonishing expertise in and around every archive and database in Washington, D.C."

Jesse Berrett, Acknowledgments, Pigskin Nation: How the NFL Remade American Politics


For research at the National Archives

"Negotiating National Archives can be daunting. I knew what I was looking for but did not know where to start. Dr. Brown located the documents in short order and saved me time and money. She is an expert when it comes to NARA."

Joe Lee Janssens, publisher and author


For research at the Library of Congress Manuscript Division

"Hiring a researcher hundreds of miles away requires a great leap of faith. Peggy Ann Brown has proven to me time and time again that my decision to go with her was one of the best I've ever made. I can't praise her work, and her integrity, highly enough."

Rob Wick, historian and author


For research at the University of Maryland Special Collections

"Peggy Ann Brown discovered the needle-in-the haystack I was searching  for in the Katherine Anne Porter Papers."    

Molly Guptill Manning, author, Acknowledgements in When Books Went to War: The Stories That Helped Us Win World War II


For research at National Archives on labor activist Herman Matson
"Peggy Ann Brown, Ph.D., was my sherpa of the stacks at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland. Much of Herman Matson's activism would still be unknown were it not for Peggy's diligence and finesse."

Holly Metz, Acknowledgements in Killing the Poormaster. A Saga of Poverty, Corruption, and Murder in the Great Depression


For research at the Library of Congress Manuscript Division

"What really impressed me was the Research Summary that Peggy prepared. I know that I will be reviewing the letter again and again as I work on my book. When I initially contacted her, she explained that there was a way that I could conduct my research online. I was impressed by her integrity, but I told her that I wanted a "boots on the ground" approach -- I hired her and am very glad that I did!"

Richard F. Bales, Chicago historian and author


For research at National Archives on the testing of the Sharps rifle
"The work you have completed has led to a far more accurate understanding of the early history of Sharps firearms, their production, and ultimate acceptance by the U.S. military."

Edward W. Marron, Jr., Sharps expert and author 


For research at the Library of Congress Manuscript Division     

"I had been on the fence for months about whether to retain a researcher to take this last look in the Library of Congress Manuscripts. Turns out it was money very well spent.  Thanks!” 

Mark Kinzer, author, Nature's Return: An Environmental History of Congaree National Park


For research at National Archives on World War II Prisoners of War    
"You are a goddess! I got the package yesterday evening, and am just floored by it. You are so thorough and careful, and I couldn't be more grateful. Thank you! This information is enormously helpful. I've interviewed so many of these POWs, and after sixty-some years, memories fade and become distorted. But the affidavits and diaries ensure that I'm getting the accurate picture. Wonderful!"

Laura Hillenbrand, author, Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption


For research at National Archives and Library of Congress on the War Advertising Council
"This book would not be what it is without the assistance of Peggy Ann Brown in maneuvering the maze of archival collections in Washington, D.C."
Inger L. Stole, historian, Acknowledgements in Advertising at War: Business, Commerce, and Government in the 1940s 


For research at National Archives and Library of Congress on the U.S. Synthetic Fuels Corporation
"You have been a great sounding board for advice on how to ask and obtain documents.  And, your work has been on time and very professional."

Historian Hervey A. Priddy, Ph.D.


For research at National Archives and Library of Congress on Percheron horses, including photos and background
"You have been a great pleasure to work with and wonderfully thorough. . . I do hope that I will be in touch with you in the future - your job well done will bring me back if the happy need arises.  I will recommend you to others if I get the chance as well."
Misty Stoll, Curator, Wyoming Territorial Prison State Historic Site


Research at National Archives, Library of Congress, and Hawaii State Archives on Queen Liliuokalani
"Guiding me throughout this inquiry in gathering documents and engaging the depth of archival records throughout the continental United States and into Hawaii was Dr. Peggy Ann Brown.  We received cooperation from the archivists at the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum and the State Archives of Hawaii. Dr. Brown's effective skill at penetrating the depths of the National Archives here in Washington, D.C., and eliciting their cooperation was invaluable and timely."

Neil Thomas Proto, from Acknowledgements, The Rights of My People, Liliuokalani's Enduring Battle With the United States, 1893-1917.               

For research at National Archives and Library of Congress on a 1784 broadside of the Treaty of Paris  
"Nice work! We love having you in D.C. doing research for us."
Ellen Pawelczak, Seth Kaller, Inc., Historic Documents, White Plains, New York


For research at National Archives and Library of Congress on War of 1812 privateers and the disappearance of Theodisia Burr Alston
"Great work!  The entire report is super interesting overall. I can tell you this, Sherlock Holmes cannot hold a candle to you!"
Mercedes Bujans, Naval historian


For research in the Irving R. Levine Manuscripts at the Library of Congress
"As a researcher, Peggy is relentless in her pursuit of material and in checking and double checking for accuracy. Peggy is reliable in meeting deadlines, in punctuality, and in always coming through with more than is required of her. She is a joy to work with."
Irving R. Levine, Nightly Business Report commentator and former NBC News correspondent








Contact Peggy Ann Brown, Ph.D., Your Washington, D.C. Researcher, at peggyannbrown AT verizon DOT net

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